PK4005-900 Pakje spagh.bandjes, v & a...
PK4005-900 Pakje spagh.bandjes, v & a...
PK4005-900 Pakje spagh.bandjes, v & a...
PK4005-900 Pakje spagh.bandjes, v & a...
PK4005-900 Pakje spagh.bandjes, v & a...
PK4005-900 Pakje spagh.bandjes, v & a...

PK4005-900 Pakje spagh.bandjes, v & a gerimpeld, supplex

€ 37,99
Inclusief belasting
color: Black. Spaghetti strap leotard, pinched front and back, supplex
  • 8
  • 14
  • 12
  • 10

This ballet suit with pinch and spaghetti straps is a stylish and elegant model. The PK4005 is made of supplex. Supplex is known for its breathable fabric and stretchability so that this Papillon ballet suit fits around the body nicely.
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8 Items

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