PK2012-900 Top hemdmodel, supplex
PK2012-900 Top hemdmodel, supplex
PK2012-900 Top hemdmodel, supplex
PK2012-900 Top hemdmodel, supplex

PK2012-900 Top hemdmodel, supplex

€ 32,99
Inclusief belasting
color: Black. Tank top, supplex
  • 8
  • 6
  • 14
  • 12
  • 10

This functional Papillon top is easy to combine and always looks stylish and elegant. This sleeveless model gives your child’s arms a lot of freedom to move and it also gives the skin the chance to breathe while dancing. The PK2012 is made of supplex, which is often used by athletes because of the light quality and the colour that doesn’t fade after washing.
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